Due to a recent change in circumstances, (namely a divorce that turned ugly towards the end,) I am currently living in pretty tight quarters. All my old anime and manga stuff have been stored by generous family members, and I'd like to finally get said stuff OFF their hands. So without further ado, here's what I've got!
(in English)
Inu-Yasha Volumes 1-12 (Flipped*)
Oh My Goddess! random volumes (Flipped)
Fushigi Yugi Volumes 1-6 (Flipped)
X/1999 random volumes (Flipped)
Rurouni Kenshin Volumes 1-3
Real Bout High School Volumes 1-4
Miracle Girls Volume 3 (Flipped)
Warcraft - The Sunwell Trilogy Volume 1
Negima! Volume 1
Deus Vitae Volume 1
The Legendary Couple Volume 4
Ranma 1/2 Volume 1 (Flipped)
No Need For Tenchi! - Sword Play Volume 2 (Flipped)
(in Japanese)
Rurouni Kenshin Volume 28
The Wanderer Volume 1
Some Tenchi Muyo movie comic
RG Veda Volume 2
Weiss - An Assassin and White Shaman
To see images and specifics (such as which random Oh My Goddess! volumes I have) please go HERE!
You know... for anyone who still has a VCR... >.>
(officially released)
Dragon Ball Z random volumes
Bubblegum Crisis 2040 Volumes 1-12 (complete set)
Fushigi Yugi random volumes
Magic Knight Rayearth Volumes 1-5 (complete set)
Magic Knight Rayearth II Volumes 1, 3-7
Gasaraki Volumes 1 + 3
Master of Mosquiton Volumes 1-3
Orphen Volume 1
A.D. Police Volumes 1-2
Dragon Ball random volumes
Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water Volume 1
Revolutionary Girl Utena random volume
Oh My Goddess! Volume 1
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna random volume
Oh My Goddess! The Movie
El Hazard 2 Volumes 1+2 (complete set)
Saint Tail (DVD) Volume 1
Escaflowne Box Set
Clamp School Detectives Volumes 1-3
Rurouni Kenshin Volumes 1-2
Magic Knight Rayearth II Volume 2 (So technically I have the complete set, just one volume is subbed)
For pictures and further details, please go HERE!
(not-so-officially released, ie. fan-subs)
Dragon Ball GT random volumes
Dragon Ball Z random volumes (and a few movies)
Flame of Recca Volumes 1-11
Sailor Moon/Stars random volumes
Magic Knight Rayearth Volumes 2 + 5
X/1999 Movie and OVA Volume 1
Saint Tail Volume 1
Escaflowne cast interview
Saiyuki Volume 1
VIRUS random volume
Di Gi Charat Volume 1
Houshin Engi Volume 1
Gundam W random volume
Everything in their pictorial glory can be found HERE!
Magic Knight Rayearth laminated posters
Escaflowne movie laminated poster
Shaman King laminated poster
One Piece ...card... poster... thing
Unico poster
CLAMP no Kiseki Volumes 1 +2 (The Exhibition of Clamp's Works 1989-2004) (Does not include chess pieces, just the books.)
Revolutionary Girl Utena art book/collection of small posters
Cardcaptor Sakura Kero-chan patch
Magic Knight Rayearth Hikaru and Fuu mini-figurines
Escaflowne foiled card deck**
Dragon Ball Z foiled card deck
Magic Knight Rayearth card deck
Chobits collectible cards
Magic Knight Rayearth collectible cards
Pokemon trading cards (from the first deck)
Dragon Ball Z collectible cards (both Funimation's and Japanese)
***Ruth Thompson Matted Angel Print - Michael
Mermaid Matted Print
Amy Brown Fairy in the Cookie Jar print (small)
Harry Potter Quidditch card game
Harry Potter Chocolate Frogs collectible cards
You know the drill by now. Pics are HERE!
* 'Flipped' means these were titles that were printed before manga translators decided that their English-speaking audience wasn't dumb and could figure out how to read in the Japanese style of right to left. So if it says 'flipped', the comics have been edited so you can read them in the English style of left to right.
** 'Card deck' means it's a set of playing cards (you know, kings and queens, spades and hearts, etc.) and all cards are accounted for, including the two jokers.
*** I'm aware that the rest of this list isn't strictly anime/manga related, but they're still in the fantasy genre, so I figured I'd offer them in the hopes that they might strike someone's interest all the same. :3
My Trading Policy: In years previous, I usually show up with a small box's worth and let people take whatever they want. Last year I wound up giving most of what I had away to people in line! This year I'd like to make a request.
When I divorced my husband, we were both living in Italy. At the time, our split was amicable and I returned to the US ahead of having my things shipped because I was falling apart mentally and emotionally. I did so with the promise that my soon to be ex-husband would send along my belongings as soon as he could. Fast forward a year later and his new wife has apparently convinced him I'm the devil and that I don't deserve to have said stuff back. This includes my book collection. So there goes all of the manga that I had previously collected over the years.
So while I'd happily trade for any of the books in those pictures*, I also mentioned at the top that I'm VERY limited on space right now. What I've been trying to do instead is keep as many new graphic novels as possible to ebook purchases for my nook. But I'm also broke as hell right now. -.- Therefore, while I will continue to simply give away anything I bring for the swap meet, if you'd like a lot of things or simply out of the kindness of your heart want to offer something to trade, I would love, love, LOVE a Barnes & Noble gift card. It could be as much or as little as you'd like. (Even a dollar would help!) Again, this is not REQUIRED if you'd like something of mine listed here. But you would make my freakin' day. :3 (And yes, there is a Barnes & Noble store at the Prudential Center where the con is held.)
Thanks for reading! If you have questions or requests, please e-mail me at ebonysquirrel@yahoo.com
[EDIT 3/12/2014: * After doing a LOT of thinking, sorting, and researching, I'm going to amend the 'any' portion of what I said before. Several of the titles I used to collect are now available in omnibus format, which will not only save me space but give me a bigger bang for my buck too! So while eBooks will continue to be the most space efficient for me, I'm really only looking for the books I've prioritized in trade. If you don't have these and you can't afford a gift card (ANY amount is cool, as much or as little as you can swing) THAT'S OKAY! If you would still like something I have listed above and isn't crossed off and therefore already claimed, please do let me know and I'll reserve it for you. :3
ALSO! I'll be working the majority of the con at my friend's table in Artist Alley. (I am the Booth Gremlin: I fetch bags for the posters, get your change, and fetch lunch for those who can't leave their tables. XD) So if for any reason you can't make it to the Swap Meet, I can easily make arrangements for you to come find me at your convenience. I WILL NOT have all my swap stuff with me at the table. I'll only have what I've made arrangements to trade outside of the meet. I'd rather you come to the table to see the pretty artwork and do the majority of our trading AT the meet, please. X3
Last edited by SisterGrimm619 on Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:42 pm, edited 5 times in total.