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Englisch [en], .pdf, 🚀/ia, 21.1MB, 📗 Buch (unbekannt), ia/facingmylaimovin00ande.pdf
Facing My Lai: moving beyond the massacre 🔍
Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan., 1998
Anderson, David L., 1946- 🔍
The My Lai massacre of March 16, 1968 and the court martial of Lt. William Calley a year and a half later are among the bleakest episodes in American history and continue to provide a volatile focus for debates about the Vietnam War. Other books have exposed the facts surrounding the incident; Facing My Lai now examines its haunting legacy through a unique exchange of contemporary viewpoints.
This powerful book emerges from a stellar gathering of historians, military professionals, writers, mental health experts, and Vietnamese and American war veterans convened to memorialize the tragedy. The cast of prominent speakers included journalists Seymour Hersh and David Halberstam, novelist Tim O'Brien, psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, military prosecutor William Eckhardt, and veterans Hugh Thompson and Ron Ridenhour—the two true heroes in the My Lai story. David Anderson's reflective recasting of their presentations creates an impassioned chorus of voices that demonstrates why this tragedy remains one of the key emblems of the American experience in Vietnam.
These authors address many of the troubling questions that still persist about My Lai. Why had it been identified as a Viet Cong stronghold? What orders were the troops actually given? Why didn't someone stop the slaughter? But these questions are asked again in the hope that they might lead to a better understanding of what My Lai means for us now.
As these authors show, our nation is still trying to come to grips with the bitter legacies of the Vietnam War. A grim window into the darker side of American history (like the massacre at Wounded Knee), My Lai reminds us of humanity's baffling capacity for attrocity within the crucible of war. Facing My Lai does not allow us to forget or hide from such horrors, but it also seeks to heal the deep wounds inflicted by the war. Its unflinching look at the past ultimately leads us away from darkness and towards a more enlightened understanding of a war that in many ways is not over yet.
This book is part of the Modern War Studies series.
Alternativer Autor
What Really Happened?, Twenty-five Years After
Alternativer Autor
David L. Anderson, David L. Anderson
Alternativer Autor
edited by David L. Anderson
Alternative Ausgabe
Modern war studies, Lawrence, Kan, Kansas, 1998
Alternative Ausgabe
First Edition, 1998
Alternative Ausgabe
1st Edition, 2000
Alternative Ausgabe
October 20, 2000
Alternative Ausgabe
January 1998
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
Alternative Beschreibung
<p>A profound memorial to a dark, forgotten history. A book of utmost importance.—Oliver Stone<P> A coherent volume of passionate reflections on the painful subject of the My Lai massacre.—Marilyn B. Young, author of The Vietnam Wars, 1945-1990 <P> I read this book with great interest and deep emotion. I expect it will have a deeply cathartic effect on its readers. The recollections of those who had a hand in uncovering My Lai's horrible truth are gripping, and the discussion of post-traumatic stress disorder adds a whole new dimension to the story.—Robert D. Schulzinger, author of A Time for War</p> <h3>Library Journal</h3> <p>For this somewhat emotional book commemorating the 30th anniversary of the My Lai massacre on March 16, 1968, Anderson edited the transcripts of a 1994 conference concerning the events at My Lai. The first few chapters deal with the facts and testimony of witnesses. The remaining chapters are round-table discussions from the conference dealing with the massacre for which Lt. William Calley was ultimately court-martialed. The participants included veterans Ron Ridenhour and Hugh Thompson and experienced reporters such as David Halberstam and Seymour Hersh, who both won Pulitzer prizes for their Vietnam reporting. This well-written book brings out all those emotions that are part of the Vietnam experience, and, as the subtitle suggests, reading it does provide a catharsis. With appeal for both general and informed lay readers; recommended for all history collections.</p>
Alternative Beschreibung
The My Lai massacre of March 16, 1968, and the court martial of Lt. William Calley a year and a half later are among the bleakest episodes in American history and continue to provide a volatile focus for debates about the Vietnam War.
This book presents a gathering of writers, including journalists Seymour Hersh and David Halberstam, novelist Tim O'Brien, historian Stephen E. Ambrose, psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, military prosecutor William Eckhardt, and veterans Hugh Thompson and Ron Ridenhour - the two true heroes in the My Lai story. Together they demonstrate why this tragedy remains one of the key emblems of the American experience in Vietnam. These authors address many of the troubling questions that still persist about My Lai.
But these questions are asked again in the hope that they might lead to a better understanding of what My Lai means for us now.
Alternative Beschreibung
Includes bibliographical references and index
Appendices contain Ron Ridenhour's letter of March 29, 1969 regarding the Mi Lai incident and an essay by Jerold Starr entitled: Why Study Vietnam?
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ISBN-13978-0-7006-0864-5 ISBN-13978-0-7006-1057-0 ISBN-100-7006-0864-8 ISBN-100-7006-1057-X OCLC/WorldCat1034681753 OCLC/WorldCat37107150 Collectionia IA File Scraped2023-06-28 IA 'publicdate' Date2010-11-19 ISBNdb Scrape Date2022-09-01 OCLC Scrape Date2023-10-01 OpenLib 'created' Date2008-04-01 DDC959.704/3 Filepathia/facingmylaimovin00ande.pdf Goodreads1915777 Goodreads795996 IA Collectionamericana IA Collectiondelawarecountydistrictlibrary IA Collectioninlibrary IA Collectioninternetarchivebooks IA Collectionprintdisabled Languageen LCCDS557.8.M92 F33 1997 LCCDS557.8.M92 F33 1998 LCCDS557.8.M92F33 1998 LCCN97024409 Library Thing837143 MD55accfafa3af7d1fc89ba78dd80bc0b3e IAfacingmylaimovin00ande Open LibraryOL16028805W Open LibraryOL27423063W Open LibraryOL678067M Open LibraryOL7762906M Open LibraryOL7762981M Open LibraryOL8021033W Server Pathu/ia/annas-archive-ia-2023-06-acsm/f/facingmylaimovin00ande.pdf Torrentmanaged_by_aa/ia/annas-archive-ia-acsm-f.tar.torrent Year1998 Year2000
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