Diaper Lifestyle – StayDiapered! (2025)

Hi friends. This is Riley Kilo, and today i’d like to discuss why I no longer feel comfortable using the term ABDL and how the community has turned into something I hardly recognize.

Here is an Audio Version if you prefer to listen and read along. This video is unlisted & unmonetized.

I’ve become ashamed of being ABDL. Over the last 18 Years I’ve been an advocate for inclusivity, responsibility and consent in the ABDL space, but the overwhelming amount of predatory behavior, exhibitionism and lack of accountability has reflected negatively on my self image. I’m starting my Youtube channel again and a brand new phase of my career, but there is still much left unsaid. I’m making a promise to you and to myself that this will be my last ABDL accountability post, over the last 3 years I have seen this community lose touch with reality and I’ve tried to evoke empathy and basic standards, but I have failed and sometimes you’ve just got to know when to move on.

Thank you for listening friends, I love diapers and being little and I always will, I’m still going to live and love my awesome Diaper Lifetyle, just far away from ABDL and the terrible behaviour that is normalized in this scene. – Lets get to it, thanks so much for listening.

Thesis statement: When A Community Lacks Moderation, The Nazis and Pedophiles Take Over. And that’s where we’re at with ABDL.

What is Community?

I define community by Stores, Gathering Places, Creators and the people who participate with them. Some lone wolf wearing a diaper and being a creep is not indicative of a community. Lets say a guy likes to goto Home Depot and expose his soiled diapers and crawl around like a baby. Horrible obviously and if the majority of people were critical of that behaviour, then I wouldn’t say that guy is part of the ABDL community.

But take H.J., whose entire internet media output is doing things like that, pulling down his pants to show his soiled diapers to men at home depot. He’s one of the biggest sellers on JustForFans, they don’t care. Newsie interviewed him and they laughed together to stories of him pissing his pants in front of random women at walmart, zero pushback. The Convention CAPCON, who supposedly vets their attendees and have an anti-exhibition rule, they saw his account and allowed him to attend.

CAPCON, the biggest gathering space, JFF the biggest store, & Newsie, one of the biggest creators all give this guys disgusting behavior a thumbs up. So i’m not wrong when I say that ABDL condones this because if it didn’t, he would not be supported by these people & organizations. I despise this public exhibition stuff it’s creepy and horrible and does not represent who I am in the least, despite it being totally normalized in ABDL.

Sidenote: ABDL as a community is not welcome in the algorithm. You’re immediately demonetized if you tag it and searching for it on Pinterest etc gets you nothing, it’s a porn term and good luck getting seen if you use it. And for that reason alone in this world so dominated by the algorithm, those 4 letters are dead in the water.

Child Bothering

This is so common in ABDL spaces. ABU is a great example, I was a model for the first one, they got involved with a pedo company that sold calendars and books of kids in underwear and when people like me spoke out and got them shut down, it was taken over by a guy named C.S., a person who used to run a pedo forum and as recent as 2020 has said “he’s not ashamed of what he did and would do it again”

The guy who used to run Teddycon was found to be trying to meet up a little boy in a hotel room (the To Catch A Predator style YT channel that exposed this was taken down). So Teddycon gets shut down, despite selling expensive tickets, C. S. & J.F. (another defender of the Pedo forum) take over the convention and go “Hey, do sue anybody, don’t worry, we’re going to throw our own convention and your tickets will be made whole.

Been two years, no word on the convention, not even a “we’re busy” update. And if you bring it up, bullies like Krib the Rebel and other ABU clowns will scream you down. It’s like this predatory gay white guy clique and it has the whole community held hostage.

But there’s way more child bothering happening, I constantly see pics of childlike bodies being sexualized. Sophie Labelle and the Babyfurs is a great example of this, using images of real children to make Babyfur drawings. People still defend this to this day despite her never apologizing and doubling down with “This is Normal in ABDL!”

Even Northshore’s ABDL offshoot, which is run by the aforementioned J.F. had no 18+ signifier and I actually had to write the owner of Northshore personally to force J.F. to put 18+ on the account. And still, they use the account to reach out to all ages audiences by putting out calls for contact without any 18+ descriptors and using fetishized cartoons of childlike bodies to bring in kids to this kink scene then asking for contact. It normalizes sexualizing children and mixed age interaction. I am so ashamed of how normal this is and heartbroken that Northshore tolerates this. J.F. is a diaper fetishist and here he is asking for people of all ages to send in their stories of their diaper experiences for a chance to be featured on the blog. I hope to god someone is watching that email address.

All it would take is an 18+ signifier, it’s so simple, but I doubt guys like C.S. and J.F. ever will because they have stated very clearly that mixed aged spaces are OK and will continue to act like this as the shops, events and creators support them.

Many more examples but these are the most highly marketed and heinous. But again, it’s totally normal in ABDL and that’s not me. Being a Babyfur doesn’t make you a creep, but there seems to be an overwhelming amount of tolerance in that space. Also, just because you cover something in fur doesn’t mean it doesn’t still look like a little kid. It’s fine to make these drawings, but when you’re involving them with kink/porn and underage contact, someone’s going to get hurt. I was a victim of grooming. It’s not OK, even if you were groomed as a kid and “It Helped You” or wasn’t a big deal, if you were over 18 like C.S. was and interacting with kids 13-17 in online diaper scenes, you need to be held accountable, admit you were wrong. Instead, C.S. says…

Also, that site had other admins that weren’t all kids. It’s groomers grooming kids only for those kids to groom more when they grow up. I broke the cycle of abuse, but not every victim does.


I take public diaper pics, I kinda love em. But I NEVER involve others in it, I have a 100 Foot Rule, if its even remotely possible that someone could be within 100 Feet, I don’t do anything kinky, which is why all my public pics are in State Parks, Beaches etc. I don’t get off on breaking peoples consent, I get off on the idea of being a diaper girl in my daily life, going on diapered adventures etc. I like diaper fantasies, the idea of wetting yourself in public and being forcibly diapered by Target staff is hot, but it’s a fantasy and should never leave the page or my kinky mind.

But some people bring those fantasies in real life where they don’t belong. A good example are ABDL couple P.M. and R.S., 2 popular content creators who attend Capcon etc. R.S. has a long history of bashing people, calling them creeps and pedos etc for wearing diapers in public, often times targeting people unfairly and being cruel and clumsy about it.

But when his girlfriend, P.M., makes a video of herself pooping in the child’s aisle of a grocery store, they lose their minds when their called out. She was legit bragging about how people in the store had to smell her, that makes me want to puke, it’s the most anti-social and disgusting thing possible. She also wrote me a letter saying she’d stalk me for the rest of my life using my deceased friends memory to torture me, these people are terminally online monsters.

But ABDLs have been convinced this is normal. When called out she made excuses, sent her boyfriend and fans to attack me, threatened self harm. The picture is still up with over 1000 likes, public pooping is normal apparently and calling it out means you will get stalked forever by some internet grifter, empowered by the whole community.

When one of the biggest names in ABDL is a public poo fetishist then I’m not ABDL. A friend described a ABDL meetup they went to last week at a Red Robin, someone pooped themselves at the table. This is just normal ABDL behaviour so goodbye ABDL.

The Lack of Accountability

Spoken extensively on this in my last (last meaning most recent as well as final) ABDL Accountability video, but events like CAPCON and BabyFurCon have let in abusers after being warned extensively, only to have to kick them out and then be silent on the subject. I warned CAPCON about Kat Marie’s alleged history of abuse. They ignored me and then had to ban her because she openly harrased 2 women at the event.

I warned BabyFurCon about H.O. a massive bigot who says things like “I won’t be sad or surprised when someone blows Riley head off…. it’s not worth the effort for me to do it” and “The only people I hate more than the jews are the blacks”. They ignored me, he posted about pissing on furniture at the event and had to be kicked out. BFC tried to cover it up and later thanked him for his sponsorship.

BFC is run by a 501c charity that’s stated goals is “To organize and provide support for individuals and groups that provide a safe space for people from all walks of life in an attempt to strengthen the LGBT community and its subcultures through wellness, creativity and education.” and then they let in a guy who calls jews “Gods Chosen Assholes”, women “lying bitches” and Trayvon Martin a “N*gger Rat”. I hate writing this, but you need to see it because THIS IS ABDL, this is what the community condones and who you hang out with when you goto ABDL events.

The guy who started BFC is a rich gay white dude, why would he care about women, transpeople, jews, black people, he’s got his bathtubs full of champagne. Babyfurcon know about all this guy but they still let him in, as did CAPCON. He’s a gay white dude with money to spend, which is enough to overcome the most heinous of behavior. Why do you think CAPCON has to do their conventions in Wisconsin in January now?

This is not a safe community and so we create new spaces, truly inclusive ones that don’t tolerate hatespeech, who listen to marginalized voices instead of ignore or silence them.

SidequestWhat is it with ABDLs and peeing on furniture that isn’t theirs? I just saw this today, gross as hell. I want to surround myself with people that have respect for themselves and the world around them. And yeah, you may be incontinent, but wear proper protection or pee on your own couch. If it’s a genuine accident due to your disability, don’t advertise it like it’s winky face porn. I see this stuff constantly and it makes me feel so bad. I’m tired of it.

A Distinct Sense of Unreality

Truth doesn’t matter here. Last year, this community lost a very special girl. In the wake of her passing, there were a lot of lies spread around her memory, many of them easily provably false. But that doesn’t matter to the cliques. Some podcaster claimed I stole from my friends GofundMe and implied he’d release revenge porn of me to “fuck me up”. Hydrophonics & LittleDreamzzz said I was cruel in DMs to them, despite releasing all of our messages and being perfectly nice to them. People make insane claims and believe them, but when provided proof they are false the proof is ignored. It’s simply because many of the people in this space are de-socialized NEETs, and that’s not me.

I say that the grass is green, but the community says it’s purple. I say, no, it’s green, but because they don’t like me or because another creator they like says it’s purple, they maintain that it’s purple. I show them the color wheel and match the universally accepted green color to the blades of grass. They scream that by doing this, i’m a bully then they poop themselves, call me a slur and run into the nearest Toys R’ Us. That’s where ABDL is at as a community.

We may not be better than this, but I am.

I know that many people reading this find all this stuff as disgusting as I do. But that doesn’t matter when the COMMUNITY condones it. I was a huge part in building this community. I sacrificed a ton, put my name and face on defending the joys of being a diaper girl. Always preaching how important to ABDL maintaining consent, privacy, respect and adults only spaces is. But that’s simply not true anymore, so I no longer feel safe or comfortable calling myself an ABDL. Whatever ABDL is now, that’s not me.

I don’t need to take another moment to expose the bums who’ve attacked me or who do things I find immoral, because ABDL is rotten and it will always fall on deaf ears… fool me once. These people will humiliate and destroy themselves, they don’t need my help. I lost my mind a bit trying to evoke empathy, but I know when to fold em’.

Thankfully, labels don’t really matter and their won’t be any fissures in the community, no drama, no “ABDL is terrible now” being yelled from the rooftop. This is the last of it and a personal journey for me here on out. This is my last ABDL accountability, i’m sorry for all the ugliness in the last 3 years. I know theres been lots of crinkles and fun to, but this really hurt me. I used to be lonely alot, and this community was a big support structure for me, and when I saw people saying they were disappointed or broken hearted about me, it hurt. I’m not innocent, i’ve done things i’m not proud of. I never want to hurt people and I was careless with how much my experience means to people. I acted the fool and disappointed my friends and you folks.

I’m in therapy, i’m 100% sober now, much more in control, it’s made a big difference in how I see myself, pot really messed with my esteem, paranoia, made me more venomous.

I have so much good in my life now and I don’t want to lose it. I have a partner I love and care for with all my heart, and this last year I’ve met a wonderful boyfriend and a wonderful girlfriend who love and support me and only want the best for me, and I want to be my best for them. I don’t want people to worry about me anymore. I have promised I won’t let this community hurt me or hurt myself in the process as it has in the past. Even the people you love have their limits, and i’m sorry.

I’m proceeding into 2025 with confidence, washing away the shame I feel around ABDL and moving forward with good vibes and self-love front and center.

Intro To Diaper Lifestyle

Diaper Lifestyle: The choice to include diaper wearing into your life.

Diaper Lifestyle makes a ton of sense to me. I’ve always been like 95% Diaper Girl and 5% Little, and while diapers are a very horny thing to me, they are also for comfys too. Diaper Lifestyle can be kink, need, comfort, mental health or any reason of you own, it doesn’t require logic or explanation. It’s a personal choice and you are free to make it!

I was never really an adult baby, I never had a little age or shifted to “little space”, my brain doesn’t really work that way. Being a “little” was more of a vibe and a way to be silly, I never saw myself as anything but adult self. I still love pacis, cribs and stuffies, none of that has changed, but I’m coming to understand my relationship with these things better. I don’t like baby toys or shows, but I love Disney and Bluey because they are legit good, same as I love Mad Max and Dark Souls. Diapers are very exciting, sexual, comfy, they are a rich tapestry of joy and release and good feelings that I have always been attracted to. Baby stuff was always more about being comfy than kinky, being little just means I am not ashamed to like silly or “childish” things like my stuffies or getting all cozy in a sleeper with a paci.

I’m never one to follow a script, always wrote my own. I always felt I was the best person to go on these shows because i’m super smart and quick witted, a great debater with confidence who always puts inclusivity and truth first. People empathize with me because my story is relatable and i’m down to earth and chill, can make friends with anyone who treats me with the same respect that I treat them. And moving forward, I’ll be doing lots more media and preaching the word of Diaper Lifestyle.

And I hope you’ll join me on this journey in these coming years as you have for the last 18 as we learn to understand ourselves, our kinks, our souls and who we want to love or hangout with. Thanks for listening friends. I’m doing incredible in life and i’m about to raise my status like never before, sober and focused. Moving into the mainstream I need to feel confident about my past and I felt bound to ABDL. No longer, I have my own definition and will always put goodness and inclusion first. If anyone asks about ABDL, i’ll just say that I prefer the term Diaper Lifestyle and leave it at that 🙂

Thanks friends and I hope you’re as excited for what’s to come as I am. Take care of yourself and others, and as always, STAY DIAPERED!!!

Signed, Riley Kilo ❤️

All these pics were taken last night 🙂

Diaper Lifestyle – StayDiapered! (11)
Diaper Lifestyle – StayDiapered! (12)
Diaper Lifestyle – StayDiapered! (13)
Diaper Lifestyle – StayDiapered! (14)
Diaper Lifestyle – StayDiapered! (15)
Diaper Lifestyle – StayDiapered! (16)
Diaper Lifestyle – StayDiapered! (17)
Diaper Lifestyle – StayDiapered! (18)
Diaper Lifestyle – StayDiapered! (19)
Diaper Lifestyle – StayDiapered! (20)
Diaper Lifestyle – StayDiapered! (2025)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.